Using the CallMarker System in the field of Insurance

Whether you deal in elementary or retirement insurance, whether you work with hot leads only cold leads, you are familiar with the process – talking to the insured, arranging an appointment or closing a deal on the phone.

But, if only this process worked that smoothly…

Examine yourself, are you familiar with these problems on a daily basis:

  • People not getting back to you
  • When they do, they have collective insurance, an agent or other solutions
  • When you make an appointment, the client doesn’t arrive
  • Clients take the offer and contact their agents
  • Etc. etc.

Using the CallMarker system you can take this process to the next level. With unique mechanisms that ensure each of your coordinators double their results, more meetings taking place and a higher conversion rate of meetings to closes.

Here is an example of an insurance agency that works with the CallMarker system after 13 weeks:


Each point in the graph is a week and you can see how the agency that works on hot and cold leads has gone from an average of 30% conversions to an average of 55%.

שיפור אחוז ההמרה בסוכנות ביטוח

If you have an insurance agency and are interested in learning how CallMarker can help you produce at least twice as much as you do without the system, fill out the form below: